5 Questions with Debut Author Sienna Snow


ruleSienna Snow’s debut novel, Rule Breaker, came out November 1, and readers and critics alike are raving about this talented, new author.

Q:        What inspired you to write Rule Breaker?

A:        I was tired of reading books where the rich and smart billionaire introduces the naïve girl to an alternative lifestyle. I wanted to write a book where the women were well educated, healthy and chose the lifestyle they lived.

Q:        How did you decide to put a twist on the billionaire hero trope for your series?

A:        I had read a series of books where the hero is the wealthy and successful entrepreneur and the female came from rags or close to nothing. It annoyed me that women were placed in a socio-economic disadvantage to their love interest. So I decided that in my books, the females would be as or even more successful than their love interest.

I feel if the females are in a place of power, then the focus can remain on the love story between the couple.

Q:        Rule Breaker features strong, confident, highly educated, accomplished women. What women served as role models for you?

A:        The first person that comes to mind is my mother. I grew up in a very traditional Indian home, where my father was the head of the house and ruled with an iron fist. My mother showed strength, no matter what the situation or issue we had at home. She was the driving force for me to get an education and for me to break the mold of get married young, have lots of babies, and let your husband dictate your life.

The next person who comes to mind is my Catholic school principle, Sister Marie. She had a strength and confidence in her that made me want to be like her. She said many times, her ability to handle any situation comes from God. She would also tell me people can take away things but they can’t ever take away your knowledge.

The last person I will mention is my Aunt Bhavini. She is the epitome of smart, well educated, and confident woman. She is an international software development and implementation consultant. From the moment she married my uncle, she pushed me to seek my education and dreams. She wouldn’t let any naysayers bring her down. She was my main inspiration for pursuing my Masters degrees.

Q:        Please tell us about your rich cultural heritage. (You were born in London and moved to the U.S. at age five, but tell us about your Indian heritage.)

A:        My heritage is Indian, Gujarati to be exact. Growing up, my family was very traditional. They observed all religious holidays and Indian festivals. We spoke our native tongue in our home, though, I never learned to read or write Guajarati.

I love the simple traditions and of course the food. My grandmother was considered a chef, and she taught my mother. There was never a shortage of food. The rule in our home was, from the moment a guest walks in to the moment they leave there is food for them to eat. I’ve carried on this tradition with my family and friends.

Q:        The characters in Rule Breaker are well traveled. Is that a reflection of you and your experiences? Do you and your family travel often, and, if so, where do you go?

A:        Traveling is something that is deep-rooted in me. My goal is to visit every continent in the next ten years. 2016 was a travel filled year. I visited Norway to see the northern lights, hiked Machu Picchu in Peru, and spent a week swimming with my family on Guana Island, a small island in the British Virgin Islands.  For 2017, I have booked two trips so far. First is to Costa Rica and the other is a cruise in Europe going to Spain, France, and Italy.

The places my characters travel to are all places I’ve visited. I feel like it is a small piece of me that I can add into the fictitious lives of my heroines and heroes.

To find out more about this book or the author, visit www.SiennaSnow.com, and connect with the author on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Goodreads.

Social Media Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsiennasnow/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sienna_snow

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/BySiennaSnow/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bysiennasnow/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15076071.Sienna_Snow?from_search=true