New Year’s Resolutions with Author Kristine Raymond


New Year’s Resolutions with Author Kristine Raymond

Ah… 2017.  A new year.  A time to start over – start fresh – do things the way I meant to do them all along.  A time to make resolutions…or not.

There are two dates which to me are symbolic – my birthday, which happens to be in late July, and New Year’s Day.  Both are chances to begin anew, face life with a blank page so to speak, change my destiny.  I look forward to both days with eager anticipation, like a kid at Christmas.  Since they’re (sorta) evenly spaced on the calendar I get a reminder every six(ish) months to get it in gear, get back on track, live my dreams.  I set goals for myself, lofty goals sometimes, and I strive to meet them.  But I don’t make resolutions.

Some may challenge me, saying my proclamations to end bad habits and vows to live more fully are the exact definition of resolutions.  And I suppose, in a way, they are, these goals I’ve set for myself, because the only way I can accomplish them is to ditch the bad and embrace the good.  But I view them more as shifts in my universe, subtle changes that nudge me in the right direction and guide me to my true path.  The word ‘resolution’ sounds harsh, cold, concrete, and I’ve learned that life is anything but.  It’s fluid, meandering, and full of surprises.

When I was asked to contribute to this series on New Year’s Resolutions I almost said no for the very fact that I don’t make them.  But in a way I do; every time I make a decision to leave behind what isn’t working in my life and move forward to embrace what is.  Because in that moment I resolve to not repeat past mistakes, not fall into bad habits, enrich my life instead of permitting it to diminish.

So on January 1st, I revisit the goals I set in motion five months before, sometimes saddened to see I hadn’t come as far as I’d hoped but inspired to see them through to completion.  Realistically, they may not come to fruition in the time frame I set but that’s okay.  Because I’m working, I’m moving forward, and I’m succeeding.  As time moves forward my goals will morph into new opportunities, better opportunities, opportunities that will guide me to my journey’s end.

I’d like to share some of them with you, these goals of mine.  They’re quite ambitious but if you’re going to plan, plan BIG I say!

1)  Write (finish) and publish seven books in 2017
2)  Hit a bestseller’s list
3)  Create more opportunities to meet readers

Now the seven books thing is going to take some work.  A lot of work.  That’s one of those lofty goals I mentioned.   And the bestseller’s list – well that will only happen if people read my books, love them, and tell their friends to read them.  The last one is the easiest to achieve.  I’m lining up several local events where I plan to be signing as well as hosting Pages in the Caves 2.0 in September.  Keep an eye on my website to find out where I’ll be.

Most of all, I’m looking forward to another exciting year as an author.

A Sneak Peek at Worth the Gamble: 

Olivia Thatcher spent her life living up to other people’s expectations.

The town’s only schoolteacher, she conducts herself as a proper lady, never revealing that underneath her reputable exterior lies a soul aching with desire.

Dallas Trent lives life on the edge, always on the lookout for the next game of chance.  A gambler by nature, he’s ready to take any risk…except when it comes to his heart.

Butting heads the first time they meet, both are surprised to discover they have common interests.  Forming an unexpected bond, their friendship quickly grows into passion, much to the disapproval of the town’s busybody.  Rumors fly, and when Dallas is accused of murder, their relationship is put to the test. For the first time in her life, Olivia must make a choice between her heart and her home.

Will falling in love be worth the gamble?

Buy link –

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