SNEAK PEEK: Don’t Call Me Sweetheart by Codi Gary And All About Bridesmaids!


Don't Call Me SweetheartSo, You Wanna Be A Bridesmaid? by Codi Gary

Ah, weddings. June weddings. Winter weddings. The minute the ring is placed on her finger, the newly minted fiancé starts planning in her head. Big or small wedding? Modern or classic? So many decisions have to be made in the year or less they have to plan and everything has to be perfect for this ONE, special day…

Did you see the emphasis on ONE?!

When I first wrote the proposal for the Something Borrowed series, it was originally set in New York. The movie with Kevin Hart was hot in theaters (I still haven’t seen it!) and I thought, what a great idea! I watched 27 Dresses and Bride Wars for inspiration, and away I wrote.

I knew I wanted my bridesmaids for hire to be dealing with insane drama queens; the bridezillas of bad reality shows. I thought it would make the books more fun to have over the top characters to really showcase how this one day can turn even the sweetest woman into a fire breathing dragon.

I think most of us have been there and can sheepishly say, “I wasn’t THAT bad…but yeah…that was me. I almost killed the DJ for not having any Britney Spears.”

At my publisher’s request, I ended up switching it to a small town (which is my sweet spot anyway) and I set it where I grew up. The golden foothills of California. I loved this secluded area that has pine trees, wineries, and towns so small, you pass them in a blink.

But I STILL wanted my crazies.

So, I had the ladies of Something Borrowed Wedding Solutions cater to the rich and famous. It was perfect. Located eight hours from LA (depending on how fast you drive) Sweetheart, California is a secluded town the paparazzi couldn’t get to, and the stressed-out brides get professionals that can take care of all the details for the busy actresses, models, pop-singers, and senators daughters. Win win, right?

Well, not for the bridesmaids. Anyone who has ever been a part of a wedding party has gone through at least one disaster. The wedding dresses alterations were wrong. The cake has blue flowers instead of pink. The tuxes have cummerbunds with clowns on them.

You see it happening. The bride’s eye twitches, her jaw clenches, and she starts to shake from head to toe…


When the bride is your friend, you know what she likes and how to make her feel better. My poor hired bouquet holders don’t have that history, and must be able to think on their feet to sooth the savage tulle wearing beasts.

But you wanna know what I think is the best, most important part of a wedding? Seeing the bride and grooms faces as they spot each other on their wedding day, the love radiating down the aisle, across the room or when they are dancing in each other’s arms.

That is why my hired-bridesmaids do what they do.

For love.

Okay, and money! Geez, I was trying to keep it classy.

Don’t Call Me Sweetheart from Codi Gary

Weddings are big business in picturesque Sweetheart, California, and Something Borrowed’s 
rent-a-bridesmaid service is thriving among the Hollywood elite. For the women who work there, a walk down the aisle is just a paycheck—until the right guy makes it priceless . . . 
Marley Stevenson never imagined her stint as a rented Maid of Honor would practically become a career. Then again, nothing in her life has gone according to plan. At least the money’s good—and she needs it to pay off student loans and help out her mom. But the job has rules, which have never been an issue . . . until one encounter with a gorgeous best man—and his swoon-worthy Southern accent—sends Marley reeling.

Determined to get through the weekend with her professional reputation intact, Marley grits her teeth and sends out her best “unavailable” vibes, but Luke Jessup doesn’t give up that easy. A former Marine and a current SWAT team officer, his focus is legendary—and it’s on Marley. Jeopardizing her job is bad enough, and starting a relationship based on half-truths is worse—yet Marley is beginning to wonder if certain risks are worth taking, especially in the name of true love . . .

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About The Author:
Codi Gary loves writing books almost as much as she loves outings with her family and snuggling with her adorable fur babies. A RWA Honor Roll author of twenty romance novels and novellas, her goals are to make her readers laugh one minute and cry the next in the best way possible. When she isn’t glued to her computer, she can be found reading fantastic books, catching up on all the shows she loves, and taking pictures of her beautiful kids. To keep up with her releases, cover reveals, and crazy antics, just go to her website at and sign up for her newsletter.

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