Magic Filled Hobbies with Shanon Grey
I love small things. Being the writer that I am, I love magic and fantasy. Some years back, I was given some small fairies to go with my villages (another hobby story for another time). Lacking a centerpiece for a dinner gathering, I created a “FairyScape” and it evolved from there. I create FairyScapes for holidays and special events. I also create them for beneath the pencil tree I keep up in my office for different times of the year or events. It has now evolved into the hopes of creating a children’s book in the future, a step away from my suspense, romance, and paranormal. It’s all fiction and that equals magic in my book.

I am split between two worlds. By day I’m Jerry Hampton, Sr. Communications Specialist for an IT Department and by night and every other moment I can cram in, I’m Shanon Grey::FictionWeaver. We had moved to the MS Gulf Coast exactly a year before Katrina hit. She took us down to our skivvies and left us with little else. After the waters receded, we decided it was time to start over. Having lived all of my life on various coasts, I asked that we try something a bit higher. That’s when my husband found my life-long dream—a cottage in the woods. I am still enamored of the rolling pastures and beauty that surrounds me here in the mountains of Georgia.
One day, after exploring a bit of my new surroundings, I stopped at a Barnes & Noble for a coffee and a scone. As I stood in line, I was overwhelmed with a story. I pulled the scone out of the bag, borrowed a pen, and Ruthorford was born on the back of that bag. Ruthorford is the perfect Southern town where nothing is as is seems and science and magic merge. I now have three Ruthorford novels and one novella published and am currently working on a fourth novel about Ruthorford and her very special descendants, which I hope to have out by Christmas. I also have two contemporary suspense novels available. My latest, Currents of Destiny, was published in March. I am blessed with an imagination that won’t stop and characters that nag me to have their stories told.
With Covid-19 devastating so many, Shanon Grey continues provide stories to help you escape from the stress for a bit and give you hope for the future. You can join her on Facebook at, follow her on Twitter at and visit her website at Contact her at She would love to hear from you. CURRENTS OF DESTINY, as well as her other novels, are available in digital and/or print on Amazon: