SPIDER-HAM Has his own Series! Thank You Marvel!


Spider Pig, Spider Pig, Does whatever a Spider Pig Does…wait, that’s from the Simpsons. This is the REAL spider pig, but Marvel Comics calls him Spider-Ham! Yes, it’s real.

Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham was published the end of 2019. This strange but funny superhero has joined the Spider-Man universe, not for the first time, but for the first time. Spider-Ham was first seen in 1983 in a one-shot humor comic. Spider-Ham was created by editor Larry Hama, Tom DeFalco and Mark Armstrong.

Spider-Ham was also seen in Marvel’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and was voice by John Mulaney. So, he’s also a movie star!

He’s fought his fair share of villains including…zombies!

You can find more Spider-Ham over at MARVEL and you can read the comics digitally as well!