Independent Bookstore Spotlight – Literati in Ann Arbor, Michigan


Literati is one of our favorite independent bookstores. It’s located in the beautiful city of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ann Arbor is quaint, friendly and full of surprises you’ll love. For example, did you know you can search the city for fairy doors? Yep! You can even get a map in order to find them!

I have visited Ann Arbor many times and finding fairy doors is one of my favorite things, right up there with visiting Literati Bookstore! First of all, the place is not only full of books it has a typewriter downstairs where you can do and leave a note. It sits there for anyone wanting to type poetry, a letter, just leave a note to the bookstore staff. And, as a typewriter collector myself, I can’t help but totally love the store’s logo! While I was there I bought one of their t-shirts, which I still proudly wear all these years later.

Literati gives you the whole independent bookstore feels! The smell of books, the friendly staff who know exactly what book you need even when you don’t and it is surrounded by quaint little places to stop off for food or drink. Oh and don’t forget the typewriter! I just learned that the typewriter has its own site now!

You can shop Literati online and we hope you will do that and support an independent today!