Author Gary W. Wietgrefe tells his story:  A journey fueled by the love of nature

Destination North Pole is endearing, humorous, dangerous and sometimes quirky travelogue.

An old guy on an old bicycle supported by a sag-wagon (his loving wife) ventures north. She traveled ahead to find nightly food and lodging as he peddled an average of 121 kilometers (75 miles) per-day for forty days searching for iconic North Pole.

Nature awakened history and imagination of the senior pensioners. A love emerged from the flat Dakota Plains, Canada’s Prairie Provinces, British Columbia into the vast Yukon and Alaska through eight mountain ranges with pristine streams and hot springs over massive glaciated rivers and permafrost.

Wildlife? Dangers? Risks? Constantly!

Hundreds of black bears and grizzlies blocked deer, elk, moose, wood bison, wolves, bicyclists, and other critters from lush road-sides. Elements (rain, wind, flurries and chilly mornings) heighten the desire for sun, wildflowers, rippling streams, glaciated mountains, hot baths and soft beds. A couple’s love and a path through nature opened opportunities for others on this 5,000 kilometers (3,000 mile) adventure—Destination North Pole!

Age is not the limiting factor, It is personal willingness to take on, and accomplish something that you have been delaying for too long. Now it is your turn,” Gary Wietgrefe, Author of Destination North Pole: 5,000 km by bicycle.

View YouTube for a quick summary of Destination North Pole. Recent books in Wietgrefe’s Relating to Ancients series are Learning as it influences the 21st century and Culture and the mysterious agent changing. For more background see

About The Authors:
Gary Wietgrefe (pronounced wit’grif) is an inventor with six patents, internationally published researcher, military intelligence veteran, economist, agriculturalist, systems developer, societal explorer, cyclist, hiker, outdoorsman, and author. He and his wife Patricia live and travel from South Dakota. More information can be found about Gary at:

To request additional review copies or an interview with Gary Wietgrefe, please contact Mickey Mikkelson at Creative Edge Publicity: / 403.464.6925.