An edge of your seat, what really happened, science fiction thriller. A futuristic read that hits home many societal themes. It pulled me in and told me a fabulous story.

It’s been awhile since I read a science fiction novel. So when I saw the 24 hour giveaway I went for it. And I won. For a return to the science fiction genre this book does an amazing job. Chapters alternate between 1st person point of view of the two main protagonists. And it’s not a sit back and relax story but an edge of your seat “who has it right” ”who has it wrong” thriller in deep space with a blood chilling enemy to be discovered. It leaves you with a nail-biting “do we really want to know if there’s life out there” vibe perfect for science fiction.

The journey you are thrust into brings to mind the “there are three sides to every story” adage. You become part of a breath catching, how do they survive, chain of events. Characters face their inner conflicts, learn the answers they need, and work to overcome their different understanding of past events as facts are revealed. They come to understand themselves and each other and learn to work together to triumph over the external conflicts they are all facing. All done in a way that has you empathizing with the protagonists and feeling for the secondary characters, even those you’d thought you’d cheer about when they got theirs. The journey ends with the ultimate sacrifice and determination for the truth to be told to correct history and move society in the right direction.