On today’s BEHIND THE WORDS we welcome author ANNA J. WALNER. Anna writes science-fiction and creates……worlds. Welcome Anna, tell our readers about yourself.

I’m a mom, an International Bestselling Author, a YouTube Host on The Author Library, and the Owner of Silver Dawn Publishing. I wear a lot of hats! I live in Houston, Texas, and being an Author has always been a dream for me. To see that realized is beyond amazing!

How long have you been writing?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been writing. Whether it’s been short stories, journaling, or most recently The Uluru Legacy Series, I’ve always indulged in the creative aspects of writing.

Do you have a typical writing day?

I truly wish I had a “typical” day. Being involved in so many different aspects of the literary realm, I take the opportunities to write as they come. I also have a two-year old, which adds an extra layer of pleasant unpredictability.

Give our readers a look at your latest release.

“Larougo”, is the second in The Uluru Legacy. The first in the series, “Garkain” has become an International Bestseller, as well as a Barnes and Noble Bestseller. “Larougo” releases November 2nd of this year, and will pick up exactly where the first left off.

What inspired this series?

So many different layers exist within the Series, from Vampire and Lycanthrope mythos, presented with a twist, to a family found, inspired by my own adoption story. There’s a bit of inspiration from varying sources, woven together to create an immersive and enjoyable escape for the reader.

Is there a detail from your current release readers that they might not find in the book? Something only you know about a character?

Although “Larougo” continues with the ending of “Garkain”, readers may notice that the underlying narrative goes much deeper in the second book, dealing with the challenges of acceptance, and blending of cultures. There’s an element of realizing each individual societies differences and learning how to co-exist in harmony.

What has been your hardest scene to write? 

That will be coming. So far, the entire book of “Garkain” was the most difficult to write. Introducing characters and building the world of The Colony. Personally, the most difficult and moving scenes are in the final two books. I can’t say more than that for now.

Who has been the most difficult character for you to write? 

Anatole and Ambrose are both quite difficult to write, being that they’re both 300 years old, their dialectical speech and phrases were difficult to maintain against the current vernacular of modern times with the rest of the cast. Realizing that their backstory played such a huge role in the great leaders and men they became, it needed to be addressed. But it needed to be done in a deft and subtle way, which proved a challenge.

Would you change places with one of your characters for a day?

Amelia for sure. She’s the driving force behind the Legacy, strong-willed, relentless, and unafraid to make the hard choices when push comes to shove. And being of a unique heritage, her gifts are unlike any seen before.

Have any particular authors that have influenced how you write?

Really my voice as an Author has been shaped inside a bubble. I don’t read when I’m writing. Although I have many Authors I admire, I don’t particularly draw from their writing style or find inspiration for my own voice. It is quite uniquely my own.

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

“Galveston: A Novel” by Suzanne Morris. It’s an older historical fiction story which takes place in and around both Houston and Galveston. The way she pays homage to the authentic past of the Bayou City, and breathes such life into her characters is truly amazing. It’s not a very well known book, which is a shame. Her works deserve more visibility.

Your favorite go to drink or food when the world goes crazy!

I am an absolute Chuy’s fanatic! I love seafood, and cheesecake is the only sweet treat I can’t say no to!

Do you have a writing Kryptonite?

Interruptions and noise. I need a vacuum of silence to allow my characters voices the ability to speak. Being a pantser, it’s important for me to listen to what they have to say, and where they want the story to go. Sometimes I will even speak the dialogue out loud from both sides to make sure it flows. A lot of writing gets done at night, after my little one is out.

What is the one question you never get ask at interviews, but wish you did? 

Where will the Uluru Legacy end?

Honestly, I hope it won’t. I think it will carry on. I have faith that the characters will reappear in some way at sometime in the future. I’m just not sure when.

Thank you so much for sharing your writing world with us today, Anna. Reader’s you can learn more about Anna and her books following these links: – – –

Readers, here’s a look at Anna’s Larougo series — Larougo: Book Two of The Uluru Legacy

The thrilling continuation of the Uluru Legacy Series.

While some questions will be answered, more will be raised. As new truths come to light, and new evils make themselves known, not everyone will survive.

The vision for a new Colony is at stake as Amelia and Roan discover they’re part of something even larger than they thought.
A delicious and compelling continuation of the story that captured the attention of audiences earlier this year. A book with bite, that doesn’t disappoint.