5 Happy Choices by Kristina Rienzi


5 Happy Choices – The simple way to a happier life
A new direction from critically acclaimed fiction author and certified professional coach, Kristina Rienzi

A happier life is only 5 Happy Choices away!

In this energizing and thought-provoking self-help book, bestselling author and certified professional coach Kristina Rienzi reveals five simple and proven choices you can make today that lead to a happier life. Kristina’s education, experience, and advice highlight the simplicity of making specific choices that have the power to unleash happiness. Backed with proven scientific research, Kristina’s 5 Happy Choices encourages, empowers, and inspires you to choose happiness as a technique to take control of your life. In simple, easy-to-use action plans, Kristina teaches how to identify and unleash happiness in the day-to-day moments. The empathic nature of her words is like having a loving conversation with a trusted friend. Happiness is a lifelong journey, made one choice at a time. Take the easy road, right here and now. Choose the simple way to a happier life with 5 Happy Choices. Let’s go!

Amazon.com: https://bit.ly/5HappyChoices


If you’ve read my bio, you’ll get a pretty-good sense of who I am even if you don’t know me and you’ve never read my books. However, there’s more to an author than her writing life summed up in one paragraph. I’m here to let you in on the details I left out.

If you’ve read my thrillers, but never met me in real life, you’d likely believe that I’m an introvert. You’d also probably believe that something dark lurks inside of me. Then, you’d meet me in person and your head might just spin around.

We’d talk and you’d see that I’m bubbly, outgoing, positive, and intently engaged in our conversation. I’d look like any other extrovert you’d ever seen. As we chatted, you’d hear me talk about dreaming big, never giving up, and likely glean some inspirational message or positive affirmation from our conversation.

Darkness? Not so much.

Two different people, yes. Nevertheless, we’re one in the same. I assure you, the motivational-speaker-personality you meet in real life IS the real me. So is the introverted, dark girl. We go hand in hand. Not surprising for a Gemini. When you add writing to the mix, it makes for interesting stories.

Confusing? Sure. That’s because introversion isn’t what it seems on the surface. It’s not about being quiet vs. loud. Social vs. antisocial. Friendly vs. shy. It’s about where introverts get their energy from, and the answer is, ourselves. Extroverts, on the other hand, get their energy from other people.

It’s probably why most writers are introverts at heart, even if they feel extroverted in social situations. However, introverts feed off being alone. We’re energized when the door is closed, and only our thoughts and our story (plus some coffee!) remain in the room. It feeds our souls so much that after we write as many words as our fingers can speedily type, we still have the wherewithal to rally with friends. That is, until we inevitably collapse from social interaction.

Because as introverts, we lose our energy around people. We give every ounce of what we have to others until we’re depleted entirely. Therefore, after a conference or a book signing, you’ll find me in my usual restorative place—on the couch binging Netflix, wine in hand…zombified.

For my darkness obsession, it’s real. Sadly, no matter how hard I try to be a kind person and bring those around me up, darkness lives in our world. To cope, I write dark stories to face my fears and triumph, and self-help to focus on my happiness, as is my hope for my readers as well.

Truth be told, darkness has always intrigued me. It inspired my advanced psychology degree, and then my coaching certification. I wanted to learn why people did the things they did, and what motivated them to change, or not. While I’ve made the recent shift from writing dark thrillers to happiness self-help books, my desire to inspire and empower through my writing is at the core of all I do.

I hope my books, whether dark (thrillers) or light (self-help) inspire you to overcome all that’s holding you back so you can live your happiest life, one more in alignment with who you are and what you truly want.

As a writer, it’s all about the two sides of this Gemini: dark and light, in balance.

I’m grateful for all the readers who trust me to pull them through the darkness and into the light. They’re why this introvert writes at all. If you haven’t read my books, I hope my words intrigued you to come over to the introverted, dark side…to find the light!



Kristina Rienzi, M.A., C.P.C., is a bestselling author of both fiction and non-fiction who has dedicated her life through psychology, coaching, leadership and writing to inspire and empower others. Her debut self-help book, 5 Happy Choices: The Simple Way to a Happier Life is an Amazon #1 New Release and Bestseller. Among Us, her latest novel was featured on Audible’s ACX University and an Audible Editor’s Select Pick. Kristina also holds an ELI-MP, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, and CiHS. She lives at the Jersey Shore with her husband and daughter. Visit her at https://kristinarienzi.com.