BOOK REVIEW: You Healing You by Dr. Teresa Cody


You Healing You by Dr. Teresa Cody

Author and Dr. Teresa Cody share the miracle and rich possibilities that Platelet Rich Plasma can have on healing a person’s body in her book, “You Healing You”.

The Synopsis

Everyone HAS THIS PRICELESS GIFT — BUT most NEVER DISCOVER IT! Come learn how each and every one of us has a miracle at our fingertips……Coursing through your bloodstream is a miraculous golden healing liquid called Platelet Rich Plasma [PRP, for short]. PRP contains all the healing factors your body uses to heal. Using this knowledge, we can concentrate this priceless blood component and reintroduce it into your body to heal injuries or as an esthetic treatment. Learn how your own body holds the key to healing. It truly is “you healing you”.

The Review

While the book itself is fairly short, the honest and passionate way in which the author writes really draws the reader into the book. The research and way the author built up her exploration of PRP from the ground up was inspiring and did a great job of showcasing a different path towards the reader’s own health. The descriptive nature of the process and exploration of different procedures utilizing PRP such as the Vampire Facial was intriguing to read about.

What struck me personally was the exploration of an early chapter in the book, in particular chapter 2 that was titled Synchronicity. While the author approaches some religious-based themes for her discovery and exploration of PRP, the author’s use of synchronicity and the design of the larger universe was truly fascinating to me. As someone who has been introduced to the concept of synchronicity within the last few years and has studied the many instances that synchronicity has been brought into my life, I found the author’s memories, experiences, and even the way the author utilized the study of individual healing to be refreshing to read about.

The Verdict

Engaging, honest, and thought-provoking, author Dr. Teresa Cody’s “You Healing You” was a must-read nonfiction book on health and the use of PRP. The rich amount of information and practical research the author put into this book and the exploration of natural treatments such as this was both interesting and thoughtful to read about. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!

Anthony Avina Review