Reading Books to Kids for Over 20 Minutes is More Likely to Cause Them to Lose Interest


Reading Books to Kids for Over 20 Minutes is More Likely to Cause Them to Lose Interest or Get Bored, According to New Survey From Premium Joy

While it is important that parents read books to their children as much as possible to further their development, going over 20 minutes is more likely to cause the kid to lose interest or get bored, according to a new survey by Premium Joy.

The survey results, which are based on responses from over 800 US parents with a child aged 1-6, revealed that almost two thirds of kids (65%) are fine with up to 5-20 minutes of reading by their parents before losing interest. About two in 10 children (21%) have even a much lower tolerance, as they are able to withstand their parent’s reading for only 4 minutes maximum. Only 14% of children enjoy being read to for over 20 minutes.

“You generally want to maximize the amount of books you read to your child in order to amplify the benefit, but there is a limit,” says Hassan Alnassir, founder and owner of Premium Joy. “Our survey findings indicate that parents should try to cap the duration of reading to their kids to about 20 minutes at most to avoid boring them.”

To read more details about this subject and learn about other interesting survey findings including, but not limited to, the amount of books parents read daily to their children and how long they take to read one book, check the following page: