Talking with COUNTDOWN author Lynette Eason


Welcome Lynette! Thanks for talking with us about your suspense, COUNTDOWN.

Let’s start with a quick look at your latest release.

Flight paramedic Raina Price’s past has marched back into her present—and it wants to kill her. A stalker who knows her well is determined to finish what he started, and US Marshal Vince Correlli vows to protect her at all costs—even if it ends his career.

Your female protagonist, Raina Price, has a secretive past. Can you please provide some insight about why she had to go into hiding?

She made some lousy choices as a teenager. One of those choices led her to juvie, where she met the other heroines in the series, but one particular bad choice led her to get involved with a man who was a narcissistic sociopath. With this guy threatening those she loved, her only recourse, she felt, was to drop off the face of the planet and go into hiding.

Vincent Corelli vows to protect Raina at all costs. How has his job as a US Marshal provided him with the skill set to see this through?

Well, that’s what a Marshal is trained for, right? Protecting those who need it? So, he simply transfers his training to Raina to keep her safe.

Countdown is the final book in the Extreme Measure series. What is the connecting element for all the books in this series?

The connecting element for all the books is the four heroines who met in juvie as teens.

Will characters from previous books in the series make appearances in your new novel?

They do. I always love bringing back previous characters and catching up with what’s going on in their lives. The readers enjoy it too.

Are there any threads that run through the whole series that will be wrapped up in this book?

No, each book can be read as a stand-alone. All threads are wrapped up in each book.

What was the inspiration for this series?

I have a lot of brainstorming buddies, but I have to give credit to my editor, Andrea Doering, for this idea. She threw out a little spark of an idea, and I managed to fan it into a flame that became the series.

Did you have a favorite character in Countdown?

I really love Raina. She was terrified on so many levels but displayed such courage to fight back against her abuser and stalker. I respected her a lot and was thrilled to be able to give her a happy ending.

Countdown is set in Asheville, North Carolina. Why did you choose this setting?

Asheville, North Carolina, is one of my favorite places on earth. I love the mountains, I love small towns on the outskirts of big cities, I just love it all. And I spend a lot of time there. So, I often set my books in the mountains of North Carolina.

What do you hope readers will gain from reading Countdown?

I hope they will be thoroughly entertained for several hours, and if something in the spiritual element connects with them, then that’s always a wonderful thing.

How can readers connect with you?

I’m on Facebook at and Twitter @lynetteeason and Instagram @lynetteeason. My website is

Thank you so much for joining us today, Lynette!! 

Readers, here’s a look at COUNTDOWN:::

A stalker who wants to finish what he started. A US Marshal who’s vowed to protect his charge. And one woman who is determined to put the past in the past.

Flight paramedic Raina Price has been running so long it’s hard to stop. To escape a dangerous stalker, she changed her name and disappeared, building a new life with the help of a friend from her time in juvie. It feels good to put her energies into saving people’s lives, but because her stalker was never found, she’s never stopped looking over her shoulder. And one can only run so far before the past finally catches up.

US Marshal Vincent Corelli’s job is to hunt down fugitives and protect those who are assigned to him. When Raina is almost killed right in front of him, he vows to protect her at all costs–whether it’s his job or not. Together they work to solve the mystery of Raina’s past. But someone is out to make sure Raina doesn’t live long enough to do it.

Countdown is the breathless conclusion to USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason’s thrilling Extreme Measures series.