New Dystopian Sci-Fi SIN:THETICA By Keith Anthony Baird


SIN:THETICA By Keith Anthony Baird

Perfect for fans of Bladerunner and Neuromancer!

The Sino-Nippon war is over. It is 2113 and Japan is crushed under the might of Chinese-Allied Forces. A former Coalition Corps soldier, US Marine Balaam Hendrix is now a feared bounty hunter known as ‘The Reverend’. In the sprawl of NeuTokyo, on this lawless frontier, he must track down the rogue employee of a notorious crime lord. But, there’s a twist. His target has found protection inside a virtual reality construct and Hendrix must go cyber-side to corner his quarry. The glowing neon signs for SIN:THETICA are everywhere, and promise escape from a dystopian reality. But will it prove the means by which this hunter snares his prey, or will it be the trap he simply can’t survive?

SIN:THETICA eBook : Baird, Keith Anthony, Vassallo, S.D.: Kindle Store


Keith Anthony Baird began writing dark fiction in 2016 as a self-published author. After five years of releasing titles via Amazon and Audible he switched his focus to the traditional publishing route. His dark fantasy novella In the Grimdark Strands of the Spinneret was published via Brigids Gate Press (BGP) in 2022. Two further novellas are to be published in 2024 via BGP: SIN:THETICA (May) and a vampire saga in collaboration with fellow Brit author Beverley Lee, A Light of Little Radiance (November).

He is currently writing an alien invasion/post-apocalyptic novel called WIND RUST which will be the first of a planned trilogy.   He lives in Cumbria, United Kingdom, on the edge of the Lake District National Park.

Twitter (X) and Instagram – @kabauthor