Spotlight Author: Tony Scott Macauley


Tony Scott Macauley

Tony Scott Macauley, an ordained Christian Minister, Non Denomination, is a former US. Army Ranger, serving with 1/75, 3/75 Ranger Battalions, and finally for the Department of the Army Ranger School as instructor/trainer.

His love for the word of God, the military and sharing knowledge that provokes and inspires followers and non-followers of Christ to think deeper/simpler is profoundly embedded and continues to be his life long personal passion.

He believes that whatever is emphasized from the word of God, be it Christian lifestyle, prosperity, or Christian values, the bottom line, the return of Christ should be well understood and hidden messages revealed.

The word of God should be made easy, taught simply with emphasis on training, chapter by chapter and verse by verse, revealing each prominent example and how it can be applied to the second coming of Christ.

His focus is driven by 1 Corinthians 10:11
Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.

Most of all, learning the word of God should be fun and made easy, the characters brought to life and made familiar and the complete plan understood. For Christians, teaching the word of God is one of the most responsible jobs on earth, for how will people learn unless they have a teacher.

About A Dream Before Dying

A Dream Before DyingVincent J. Christopher, with thoughts of his long lost love, Vanessa, on his mind and wishing she were by his side, remains nervously excited about his graduation ceremony. Waiting for his row to be announced he reflects on the four years of college, his decision to follow her to Vietnam volunteering for the war, and convinced he will one day find her again.

Thoughts of an earlier conversation with his mother Lilly Christopher leave him with feelings of being loved but possibly somehow different from mere mortals…

Find out more about the book here.