A Taste of Chardonnay by Heather Heyford

Everyone thinks Chardonnay St. Pierre is nothing more than a blond celebutant. But underneath the designer clothes is a gifted athlete with a deep compassion for those in need.
Firefighter Ryder McBride’s middle-class Napa upbringing has left him skeptical of ‘wine princesses.’ See what happens in the coming weeks when Ry and Char are forced together as they compete in a half marathon for their favorite charities!
The St. Pierre sisters tumbled into the Napa County jail, stopping short at the transparent barrier in front of the reception desk. Chardonnay vaguely recalled the floor plan from her last visit. From a holding cell in the rear, they could hear Papa bellowing in his unmistakable Franglais.
“I am American citizen! I have gun license! Wait until my daughter gets here. She is lawyer! I will sue your—”
Papa had always had a flair for the dramatic.
Following an interminable wait during which the incessant click of her older sister’s pacing echoed off the tile walls, they were let into a processing area and a young officer holding a clipboard came out to meet them.
“Which one of you is”—he raised the clipboard to eye level and squinted—“Sauvignon?” he said with the audible equivalent of an eye roll.
This guy must be new to the force. The St. Pierres weren’t accustomed to going many places in the valley without being recognized.
Savvy stepped forward. “I am.”
Thank heavens Savvy was an attorney. Well, almost. She’d recently graduated law school but had yet to take the bar.
“And these are my sisters, Chardonnay and Merlot.”
The cop stared.
Was it their fault Papa had named his daughters for grape varietals?
He started to smile, furrowed his brow, and then hitched up his pants with his free hand. With a half chuckle, he said, “Cheese-oh-man. You can’t make this stuff up. Wait till I tell the folks back in Ohio.”
Born in the Northeast, Heather Heyford learned to walk and talk in Texas, and then moved to England. (“Ya’ll want some scones?”) While in Europe, Heather was forced by her cruel parents to spend Saturdays in the leopard vinyl back seat of their Peugeot, motoring from one medieval pile to the next for the lame purpose of ‘learning something.’ What she soon learned was how to allay the boredom by stashing a Cosmo under the seat. Now a recovering teacher, Heather writes love stories, feeds hardboiled eggs to suburban foxes, and makes art in the Mid-Atlantic. See more at HeatherHeyford.com
Heather Heyford is author of the contemporary romance series, The Napa Wine Heiresses. Get “A Taste of Chardonnay” in print or for kindle at http://amzn.to/1tX3sep For Nook at http://bit.ly/1u3zIKq
From Keninston Publishing: http://www.kensingtonbooks.com/book.aspx/30253
Or go to HeatherHeyford.com
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